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golf Society
Tits On Tour

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Welcome to the Website of the TITS ON TOUR GOLF SOCIETY - TOTS ! -
In the Spring of 2008 three very average golfers were having their usual post-golf, post-mortem, over a beer at Drayton Park Golf Club, when they came up with the idea of going on a golf tour.
Hence 'Tits On Tour' was created.
So since 2008, a group of top blokes have taken an annual tour somewhere across Europe, trying to play golf and not drink too much alcohol. Invariably failing on both counts, but always, without fail, having a great time with many laughs from start to finish. Usually at each others expense!
Each tour consists of 3 rounds of 18 holes of golf, invariably followed by 3 nights of 18 rounds of beer, etc.
Competition is always played in Stableford format, and believe it or not, there are certain rules to abide to!
Enjoy visiting the world of T O T S via this website. Check out who the 42 TITS are, their golf performance, along with photo galleries, results and stats from each of the 16 tours so far.
Some good, some not so good, some embarrassing.
Infact, mostly embarrassing.


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